The Center for Classical Five Element Acupuncture

April Hulvershorn L.Ac., Dipl Ac. NCCAOM.
I have been practicing Five-Element Acupuncture since 2000. I chose this system of medicine because it works so directly and simply to facilitate profound and lasting change. Watching people heal and then thrive is deeply satisfying and a lot of fun. I write about my work here.
I did my acupuncture training at the Academy for Five-Element Acupuncture in Florida and then studied with the late Professor J.R. Worsley until his death in 2003. Prior to acupuncture school I worked in research at the Harvard School of Public Health and Bastyr University. I received my undergraduate degree in Physics from the College of William and Mary.

David Goodell L.Ac., Dipl Ac. NCCAOM
In 1981, after experiencing the benefits of Five Element Acupuncture as a patient, I resolved to do my best to learn, practice and teach it. Few things have been as satisfying as helping others regain their health, joy of life and overall sense of well-being. I also offer Plant Spirit Medicine, which can be done remotely.
My training began in 1983 at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute in Columbia, MD, and continued with JR and Judy Worsley from 1984 through 2007. I have been practicing Five-Element Acupuncture since 1985, first in Bethesda, MD and then in Seattle, WA.
Clinical teaching has been a rewarding part of my work. I was a clinical supervisor at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute and have mentored students through their clinical training while in Bethesda and here in Seattle.
I believe that cultivating one’s own well-being is essential to helping others. To that end, practicing Tai Chi since 1976 and teaching it since 1982 has been a fundamental part of my learning.
I wrote Opening the Gate of Life in 2013 to synthesize my understanding of acupuncture, tai chi, and healing.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture has been successfully practiced for over 2000 years. It has stood the test of time because it works.
The ancient Chinese realized that the health of our body, mind, and spirit are inseparable. A healthy body provides the strength to accomplish our purpose. A healthy mind provides clarity to function effectively. A healthy spirit gives us a sense of purpose, joy of life, and the will to care for our selves. The foundation of our health is a balanced flow of energy throughout our system. If this balance of energy is disturbed, we don’t feel our best.
People come for help with every kind of illness. Some come for non-physical complaints such as anxiety, depression, or insomnia. Some come because they have physical pain or other symptoms. Some come because they have a major disease.
Rather than treating symptoms that are the result of an imbalance, we help restore the abundant, balanced flow of energy so our system can heal itself. In other words, we focus on addressing the cause of disease rather than temporarily relieving the symptoms. As people improve, they often report feeling better than they have in years.
We do not consider acupuncture a substitute for necessary medical care. On the other hand, we often see patients heal sufficiently that medications can be reduced or stopped because they are no longer needed.
It is incredibly satisfying for us to watch people regain their confidence, vitality, and joy of life.