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 We are open and operating at reduced capacity

due to COVID-19.


If you are a current or past client and want to schedule a treatment, please contact us.


If you are interested in starting treatment have a look at this page and then email us to get on the waitlist. We plan to begin seeing new patients soon.


We have implemented additional safety protocols to ensure your wellbeing, based on federal, state, and local health advisories as well as the directives from acupuncture accrediting organizations. 


In order to comply with these recommendations we ask that you:

  • Reschedule your appointment if you are sick.

  • Come to your appointment on time and do not arrive early.

  • Wear a mask while you are in our office. We have masks for you if you do not bring your own.

  • Wash and/or gel your hands upon arrival.  We have hand sanitizer for you to use.

  • Do not bring additional people to your appointment. Only patients will be allowed in the office.


In addition,

  • We continue our meticulous hand washing procedures, and disinfect high touch surfaces (door handles, faucets, etc) throughout each day;

  • We are scheduling appointments further apart to allow for social distancing and so that we have time to thoroughly disinfect between patients.

  • Our windows are open and exhaust fans running during the day to ensure good air flow.

  • Our heating system draws air from the outside continuously.


Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in keeping everyone safe.


Five Element Acupuncture as taught by JR Worsley.

1529 Queen Anne Ave N, #100

Seattle, WA 98109



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